
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Underdog Part 9; Citylife

  Browny ducked and jumped when a speeding truck came to a screeching halt, the truck tires stopped inches away from his tail, and Browny jumped on the platform. It was a second day. Browny roamed in the city, walking on the streets, unaware of any big Trucks or vehicles that used the streets. He simply walked in the middle of the road, looking around at the buildings. Unaware of the rules of the transit, he was often saved by the skin of his hair, from being run over by some vehicle. He quickly learned the use of footpaths. The footpath had different trouble stored for him, the people who walked on the path, would stumble, curse him and fate and move on. He got used to this state. By the end of the week, Browny had managed to survive the paved roads and was looking eagerly for his chance to sit in the car. Surprisingly there were no dogs on the streets, all the dogs that did come onto the streets were chained by the people. Browny would be amazed at the docile dogs, that allowed these

The Underdog Part 8; The City Calling

It is now 2 years and our little Pawteers have settled well into the territory of Blackie, no dog knows what really happened to Blackie, some say he exiled himself to the outskirts of the city, some say he was hit by a big vehicle when crossing the road... there are many such anecdotes, yes anecdotes, for Blackie vanished like smoke in the air... Leaving no trace. None of his shadows remained either, they never terrorized dumpsters or were not seen by any of the dogs on the streets.  In a single sweep, peace returned to the area of the old pipe. The old pipe was removed from its place by the water torrent hence providing no use to any dog living or dead. Our little Pawteers were now not so little, Goldie moved on to make a family and had a litter of her own. Their uncle Raggy would teach them all the tricks to get away from ticks and fleas. They would come to Browny who would keep special meat pieces aside for them. Life was fun. Years had gone by, and the dogs of the mound in their un

The Underdog Part 7; Thunderstorms

  A water droplet that played merrily into immense blue that covered most of the earth, metamorphosed into vapor as the summer approached. Beginning its journey across that extensive blue, exploring lands of desert, forests, and mountains. This vapor gathered at the crowd that was already forming and thickening. This time the vapor metamorphosed again into the small droplet, cooled by the air that signaled the arrival of the monsoon. And, as happens with the gathering of people, clustered together the vapor started fighting over the real estate of air. This bickering led to fights and shoutings while these smallest bickerings were not as loud as when the clusters themselves, when these gathered and fought for ever-shrinking real estate, they were the loudest. This dance of sound was a Thunderstorm. Ofcourse when  all this was transpiring on earth, under the safety of pipe, cozied three our lovely Pawteers, shivering and startling at the thunderous sound, the sky looked gr

The Underdog Part 6; Tempest

  Few dogs who were running for their life had their tails between their legs and were running abruptly, stopping and barking after covering some distance. The chaos echoed the streets and all the dogs then as in a chorus, barked in unison.  No one knew what had happened, but as in humans every dog coming out of their respective shelters enquired in the loud barking. These sonorous barking increased the speed of already absconding dogs, who thought more dogs have joined the chase and now instead of looking back they sped away from the spot of trouble. It all started when Blackie, put his plan to action when the night was still, heavy with sleep and dawn was just beginning to pull over the blanket of sunrise. Attack happened. The three Pawteers who were unaware of the impending danger looked callously merry as if mocking Blackie in the face. Blackie, looked proud and wagged his tongue to cool off the body that burned as much with exhaustion as with rage. No, one could guess why Blackie,

The Underdog Part 5; Nemesis.

  Life was a gift to these Pawteers of ours. they ruled their tiny pipe kingdom and enjoyed its fortunes, the pipe that lay there corroding away to the weather and time was their palace, a stronghold, that provided them with both safety and comfort. But like all the happiness that only lasts for a sliver of time theirs too lasted as much, for they were being watched by Blackie, a ferocious Doberman, who survived until today only due to its agility and ferocity. He wasn't alone or have had any misfortune, Blackie ran from his owner's house when just for a small thing like the little kid of the owner taking his favorite ball, he bit his owner's son and ran from the house. Promising himself to never come back. When Blackie arrived on the outskirts of the city he too faced the same challenges as our dear Browny did, but his reaction to those challenges was altogether different from that of Browny. Blackie, grew up wanting everything for himself, his world was a world of selfish