
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Underdog Part 4; Unruly Gang

  A little sparrow, which got up early than her usual time, came upon the pipe where our three friends were napping the early morning snore. upon perching herself upon the rim of the pipe, the sparrow looked around cautiously instinctively, and realizing that it was safe to do so, she jumped around one or twice chirping as she did so. When she noticed a slight movement in the mud sludge nearby by her small beady eyes, she pounced on the worm, who after the long night in the mud came to the sun herself. By the time Browny opened his eyes, the sparrow had finished her breakfast and was calling to her other friends about the buffet for the day. This caused a raucous of small birds was disturbing the sleep Raggy and as his disposition towards the birds was, barked a warning and as the birds were accustomed to this barking, did not heed Raggy and his bark, which made him angrier and he jumped at them. The swift and agile birds were no match for Raggy, they flew nearby and mocked him by chir

The Underdog Part 3; Life on the streets

When warm sunlight tingled his sensitive nose, our Browny, opened his still sleepy eyes and he could see Raggy, already busy rolling in the dirt, a sanitizing routine to get rid of fleas and other parasites, it is equivalent to modern baths in spas, and after a thorough roll, when Raggy was satisfied that all the fleas were either squashed or left in the dirt, He shook his body from nose to tail and happily approached Browny. Still sleepy, Browny didn't take long to get infected by his excitement and after stretching his hind legs and giving a good scratch at the back of its ears Browny asked Raggy in a language only a dog  could understand, "What now?"  Raggy had no plans, for he had very little to do as a small dog, he would wait in the pipe till he felt hungry and when he did feel hungry he would go in search of food and eat the best that is on the offer. Roaming around the streets of the city made raggy kind of an expert in leftover foods. He knew exactly where the be

The Underdog Part 2 Friends of the Dumpster.

The night dawned, and the lights which resembled millions of stars like those in the sky flickered. Browny, was overjoyed and overwhelmed at the same time. He had never seen these kinds of lights in the dump yard, which only had a couple of lights at the gate. He walked towards the teeming lights, and slowly these lights took shape. Upon reaching the outskirts, he came upon the sprawling suburban area that marked the periphery of the city.  And to his surprise, there were a few dogs who came to him, smelled him, and asked him about where he came from and where he was going. He told the whole story about the red cloth, the dog in the car, and how he lost his way to the dump yard.  The other dogs, who were confused at this little pup, who had lost his way asked him to go back, for the city will eat him alive. Browny was now oscillating, he was at the crossroad, he could go where his loving mother was, but the place stunk like anything or he could brave the streets of the city and get int

The Underdog Part 1

  Browny was born blind and deaf, it took him 10 days to see the world he was born in and another 5 days more to listen to his mother's voice. When Browny opened his eyes, he was happy to see his mother and another 7 siblings of his who were still developing their eyesight. wagging the little adage of flesh called a tail, he would run and play all day. His mother would only leave them at night when they would for some time fast asleep and get the food for herself. Her entire day was spent calling her litter not to venture too far or bathing them clean by licking them to her satisfaction. Little aware that their world was the center place garbage dump of a large metropolis. There were other tribes of dogs, and a battle would ensue for the prime real estate of the dump yard. The highest and fiercest price had to be paid for the place called wet garbage dumping area. Many a dog went to that area never to be seen again. It was said that the wet garbage dump area was ruled by a spotty c