
Showing posts from August, 2018
Zero In the beginning, there was darkness and out of that darkness came Zero. This is the story of ‘ Zero’. Zero as you may all know only became known when he was recognized as numeral in number system by the ancient astronomer and a great mathematician Aryabhatta in 7 th century AD and by 9 th Century AD, Zero got his full recognition in the eyes of mathematicians like Bhaskara, Mahavira etc. This is his story.                       In the beginning, there was darkness and out of that darkness came Zero. Zero wandered in the darkness for infinity and when the “Big Bang” happened, zero was released from the clutches of darkness or when GOD said let there be light and there was light (whichever version you prefer). Zero became free. Zero wandered the cosmos and universe and when he searched for meaning he could find none, for no one shall explain him the significance of his existence unless he comes to the lofty banks of Ganges in the land east of river Sindhu wher