
Showing posts from May, 2022


Walking down the dim-lit corridor of Seth Hasmuklal Memorial Hospital, Priya was moving as if floating on the thoughts that clogged her mind and kept all her sanity at bay. Flickering tube lights and the nauseating stench of hospital bedding did little to bother her, a distressed nurse passed by her murmuring curses at the head matron, a very old and senile fellow of ninety and two, looked longingly at her from his bedding as she passed his door. A rat was busy chewing on some leftover food that was left scattered over the floor and a foul odor filled the area. Upon seeing Priya, the rat hurriedly gobbled two-three morsels and dragged with him half piece of chapatti drenched in lentil soup, leaving behind an yellow smelly trail. Priya just glanced at this rat and went her way. She was sailing through an ocean of endless agony, her own heart tearing itself and choking with the very veins and arteries that supplied it with the life-giving fluids.   As she passed the water cooler, where i


Aman prepared his tattered rug to lay on the side footpath, today he was happy, for he could spare some money to buy a Firaki, for him it was the most treasured object. He always wanted one, but selling Firaki's is one thing and buying one is another. He sold Firaki's at the signal of Vashi Highway in Mumbai. He always looked expectedly at the parents of small kids who like some under the spell or charm would immediately cry for the Firaki's he sold. These colorful toys were all he knew to sell, a small Firaki would fetch 3 rupees, while the bigger ones would cost 5 and 7 rupees each.  Tired of selling Firakis all day in the sun, made him sleepy, still, he held on to the one Firaki in his hand, he bought this Firaki for himself and it was a world to him. Although he was selling Firakis day in and day out. This Firaki which he bought, brought him a sense of achievement and at the tender age of 10 Aman became an entrepreneur Visionaire for he so much believed and valued his p

The stranger in the water

When Meera looked at her reflection on the disturbed water of the placid lake, she only half recognized the person. The evening breeze that softly caressed her hair or the sinking sun gleamed hopefully, asking for a gift of the smile before pulling over the cozy wilt of night and calling it a day, had not any effect on her. Little soft footsteps of her 5year old kid, who was about to pull mischief on her did make her aware of the water and her position of being prey to her little devil. She took a long breath as she gave a look at the reflection in the water, and turning half surprised her son. Who like a thief caught in the act, stopped for a second or two and when he realized that his mistakes would be forgiven by these ever-loving eyes, he smiled a little giggle and put out his arm for the embrace that make his world safe and happy. Meera tried hard to hold back her tears as she relaxed in the tight embrace of her son, he will into a strong man she thought. Tears did roll down her r


  When little yellow rays pushed the blue curtains up, the sky bathed in crimson warmth, shedding its cold nightly gown, and the dawn was on the horizon. With dawn came the hope of new life, new opportunities, and new strength to overcome the hurdles of life. and all this happened every day. Every day all the beings that walk and breathe on this Tierra called Earth got their day started by this dawn. What has dawn hidden under its crimson robe sleeves? it feels like dawn is pulling some magical tricks on the minds and hearts of beings of the earth. The tapestry of Verde and Azul that covers the earth baths and basks in this sunshine. Filled to the brim with enthusiasm. Birds taking to the sky for new hope and horizons to explore, a dung beetle working a ball of dung to furnish his family with new energy. A mongoose who has crawled the surface through the cold of night, finds the warmth becoming heavy on his eyelids and taking the cue walks up to the next cold crevice to call it a night

Universal Part-1

When a cool breeze stole inside the closed car windows through a gap... it awakened Sanjay to the reality that the dusk was dawning and it was time he should head back. With this realization, he reached for his seatbelt at back and after a few moments of struggle managed to strap it to the latch.  He looked once again at the view that was in front of him. There spread till the horizon and beyond perhaps lied the human sea, all settled in their tiny dovecotes, their cotes switching on the lights and slowly as the sun sunk far at the horizon due to its labored struggle to keep lighting the world. It seemed like the sun did give up on the world and its brightness then slowly metamorphosed into a spectrum of light spreading its colors or a desperate cry for help? No such thoughts bothered Sanjay, as he slowly backed away from the slope of the hill, the hill presented him with a great view, and at times seeing tiny teeming windows flickering with their feeble lives. Sanjay did wonder often,