Border Love


Border love


on the border of intelligence, two hearts reside

one and the other, exactly different

nothing they shared but the border of intellect.

On this border, hearts, would love exchange.


                                                Heart one side, a stupid poet good

                                                exchanged love with methods of crude

                                               The other heart, a nymph celestial

                                                Heart beauty and intellect, soaring mercurial


The hearts exchange words

cheered happily and play

unbeknownst the love spread

one confused the other mortal dread


                                                What about the difference that lay ahead,

                                                are they too important? to love they behead

                                                What will people say, one heart quipped

                                                it's like having love in bud nipped


What matters, that life lived well

or the perceptions on how we dwell?

and to soothe an overflowing heart

to a new life we both start


                                                The stupid replied, on the horizon, it looked,

                                                Celestial nymph, turned back, to love rebuked

            A heart, better, waiting for commitments it’s say

            And on its alter, dead, the stupid heart lay
