Are we there yet??


Are we there yet…? The curious boy, looked out to a window and asked? His question was one of the innumerable he asked since the beginning of the journey. He was going to a new home, it has been quite a while now, he had been searching for a home and no one could take him inside. What would he do? Gentle as his soul was, he never complained but searched again and again and again. But no one could take this boy into their home.

No there was nothing wrong with the boy, he was a good, studious, and sturdy kid. He liked reading, walking around the parks, and making an excellent companion but yet no one would take him home. He dreamed of having a house, with lots and lots of toys and things to play with, he dreamed of helping people who could not help themselves, he had bigger dreams than many of the boys of his age ever dreamed of.  It all changed that morning when in the congregation, he looked at this girl who came to meet others just like him. He looked at her and smiled, he thought this girl is different, there was something different about her, her distinct smile was filled with kindness, her heart was confused at the congregation, and her little brain was full of thoughts. He thought he should approach her and make her acquaintance and so he did.  As he rightly predicted this girl was a confused but beautiful soul, she liked being loved yet she would keep her heart locked, for no matter who, she would perhaps not let that precious heart of hers break again. The boy really liked that, he wanted a soul just like him, clear, pure, and simple.

One fine day at a good tea shop in the market, he asked her if he could travel with her to explore her side of the world.  The girl taken a little aback refused with disdain, she would not let any random boy accompany her, for she loved a person who didn’t love her enough. She went to the person she loved and told him about the boy, and the person, now insecure and having second thoughts jumped up and said he would accompany her on the journey home. Confused and not knowing what to do, she let the little boy tag along.

This boy, who had no idea, about the journey and the home, went along. He was very happy for he had someone to journey with, neither he cared for the home nor the time, for the time he was with the girl he was the happiest person, he liked her voice, her thoughts and he loved to move on her command. She cared not, for her tagalong is a tagalong…. And somewhere in the journey, she would then leave him behind.

But does the boy know, for in his innocent happiness, he still asked, “are we there yet?”  and his question fell on the ears that were waxen with disdain.  He would not know what she would do with him for her he did not exist. And for him, she was the only thing that was alive.
