Icarus's Lament

To go after what one desires the most, often tears the salty eyes. This lament which Icarus sings brings forth his waxen wings.

Refrain then from passions desired great, prey emotions to predatory fate.




The Poem



Icarus's Lament


Modesty is the bane of gentlemen,

lesser are concessions and judged the actions

Let not tender affections deepen,

in prickly thorns of persuasion.


                                                                                What mortal's not to do but feel

                                                                                and to guillotine his character seal

                                                                                and when the eyes of the crowd judge and scorn

                                                                                broken is the heart and into pieces torn


oh..! how good, better and best are wastrels

in debauchery and cunningness, they revel

to the crowd, they mock and take what they desire.

when the goodness of gentlemen bonfires



Many a stoic, wise, and intelligent

                                                                                To its beauty, and brains compliment

                                                                                bemused and bewildered by the attention

                                                                                refrains to notice, the artistic expression


and of time, raptured mind, the value lost

such is the battle and its cost

to dwell in the heart's dark abyss

a lamenting soul, torn piece by piece


                                                                                Icarus, who adored what many desire

                                                                                he worshipped and with love filled his heart entire

                                                                                the only mistake in Icarus's passion

                                                                                He thought he could fly too close to the sun.

