The Underdog Part 9; Citylife


Browny ducked and jumped when a speeding truck came to a screeching halt, the truck tires stopped inches away from his tail, and Browny jumped on the platform. It was a second day. Browny roamed in the city, walking on the streets, unaware of any big Trucks or vehicles that used the streets. He simply walked in the middle of the road, looking around at the buildings. Unaware of the rules of the transit, he was often saved by the skin of his hair, from being run over by some vehicle. He quickly learned the use of footpaths. The footpath had different trouble stored for him, the people who walked on the path, would stumble, curse him and fate and move on.

He got used to this state. By the end of the week, Browny had managed to survive the paved roads and was looking eagerly for his chance to sit in the car. Surprisingly there were no dogs on the streets, all the dogs that did come onto the streets were chained by the people. Browny would be amazed at the docile dogs, that allowed these people to chain them. He would stop them and ask about the chains and why they are behaving undogly. The people who came to walk their pets were taken aback by the rabid dog that barked at their lovely pets. Others would keep their kids away from the dog, lest they might contract some parasite or disease. 

Browny continued to live like this ...For him food was abundant, all he needed to do was find a dumpster and sniff up for the menu, the food waste of the city was more huge than that of the outskirts and there were no other dogs that sniffed the dumpster. So, food was in abundance. But City life was very lonely, this loneliness dawned slowly upon Browny, as he soon started getting tired of the same view, same food, same dogs chained, same yelling people, same bustling vehicles, everything was just the same. It made him homesick, oftentimes, he thought of coming back to the mound and living there with Goldie and Raggy, but then he remembered his dream of sitting in a car and he would get determined to do this.

Apart from his usual activities of wandering around the block of the city, Browny had picked up a place by the fire hydrant. It was his spot to sit and watch the coming and going of cars. He would sit by the hydrant and bark at the dogs that came out for a walk. 

One day when Browny came to the hydrant he saw a piece of bread lying around, curious as was his nature, Browny sniffed the bread, it looked fresh but smelled different, and his instincts told him that something was not right. As he looked up to look around, a small net fell over him from nowhere... Browny was taken aback, he bark and growled at this net, he tried chewing the threads and making his way out, but soon his attention was caught by the oncoming truck, it was totally different than what browny had ever had seen. It was completely black with, caged windows. Browny afraid and trapped started to gnaw faster and barked. Soon two large people came wrapped one more net around him and picked him up and threw him in one of the cages in the back. 

Alone, shunted in the dark cage, Browny was afraid for his fate. The black truck, a municipal animal control van, sped along the main road to the compound.

----To be continued.

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