What could be more confounding than wondering and driving endless without any goal or destination in sight. With every moralistic, ambitious, and motivational speech about looking ahead and seeing the growth and future, every one seems to have been forgotten about looking back and learning from the lessons of failure, mistakes and unresolved issues.
On the eventful road called life, the destination is not so much as important as the journey itself. One might contemplate sitting beside a serene and calm lake or hustle in the corner office in one of the busiest city on the planet. The destination is same. The journey is another matter.
Where are we? and where are we bound to go? are questions that have haunted our forefathers, yet this Phantom, dwells in each one of us. We may suppress this with the materialistic happiness we derive from the feeble possessions that will eventually erode from the book of time. Even plastic is fated to erode, but the time is so large that it is seen as perpetual presence.
While we are always see the rear view mirror while driving, we don't do that in our life. Our very existence depends on our ability to look in the past and take the valuable lessons that the greatest master of our universe, time, has taught us.
Our lessons are our true wealth, the wealth that we have earned the hard way. Falling many times on the way and then getting up, dusting and falling again. The wounds are our medals and we must cherish them with such pride like that of an athlete.
Are we then to look only back and not see the future, well this does not mean we are to look back and stay on the road we have already travelled, what's the point is visiting a same place twice. We should cherish the memories and moments of the place and visit new vistas that are only there to enrich your experience and life. Our philosophy of life should not be then of sitting and living in the past, but using those lessons to learn and tackle obstacles in future.
Are we there yet? A question that most impatient of us ask is, worthwhile to note. No knowledge can be great than knowing your true self. Entire libraries are filled with knowledge that will make your eye balls fall out of their sockets, but no book teaches you about the tricks and techniques to know your self. Nor will this article try to do the same.
Its a part of our journey and will eventually result in epiphanic moment where upon realization of your true self, you shall be free from the chains that are holding you to this materialistic world. Many mystic and prophets, saints never went for the search of true self. They worked on living their life the good way and there it was, the epiphany of self actualization.
Maslow is wrong only in this aspect, he failed to take heed of self determination when constructing his pyramid, else his is the work that stands test of time eternally.
So without rambling further on metaphysics of life, there it is the crossroad and and two roads are diverged as in the poem of Robert Frost and what road you choose is determined by not only your determination and thought but also because of the road you have travelled before so.
Choose one and do good work, you shall be enlightened anyway.
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