Manisha had just clicked a self in her bedroom and shared it on one of the social media platforms that are trending with nouveau youth. Soon, within minutes, her photo got 10 thousand likes and many comments some good and most illicit and derogatory. But Manisha wasn't concerned all she cared about was that more than 10 thousand people like her. But was it a reality? No, Manisha hardly has friends, she hardly interacts with kids her age, all her friends could be counted on fingertips. Yet this 13-year-old has 10 thousand likes. Privacy has now very different meanings to these young children. Children and young adults are unmindful of the images and parts of their lives they are sharing online. Like little Manisha above, they are feeding the monster of voyeurism, pedophilia, and many other social evils.
Let's Get To The Bottom ...or is it a bottomless abyss...!!
In the age of smartphones and access to technology instant fame isn't a distant dream, previously once in a decade or so, a person would get famous or get notoriety overnight. Smartphones and the availability of fast internet have not only made the world a small place but also, equally, the challenges have arisen with the content posted, which has now become the norm for getting more attention.
A famous psychology quote says " seeking attention for reasons beyond the measure, are symptoms of bordering narcissism. " What is simply means is, anyone who is interested in attention beyond his socially approved activities is in trouble. Do you want an example of such a behavior? Well, you don't need to look beyond your house. Look at the way your kids are posting content to the net, or better yet observe their habits of becoming more and more attention-seeking, moreover, look at the things they are posting on their social media channels.
Attention Seeking/ Approval Seeking behavior should not be encouraged, every individual is unique and that uniqueness itself is worth giving attention, to by the right people, at the right platform, at right time.
Parenting is a tough job, especially when you have a couple of teenagers with charged hormones to guide. The adolescent stage is very tricky yet very real in terms of finding self and finding identities for young teenagers. Typical, these young people would generally go through these stages as all of us have been, but the get-instant-fame internet age isn't making this already hard transition easy. What one must learn from these facts is having a real conversation with these young people. Underline, real, for it does not make them sit forcefully in front of you and ask them to do this and that.. that will add more fuel to the already burning inferno.
Start Friendship With Your Kids.
- Have you ever noticed your kid is coming from school melancholic and distressed, yet the kid doesn't share with you the reason for being so? Be their friend, rather than advising, listen to them, find the light/reason on their own before you could guide them.
- Be watchful of kids, especially when they are entering teens, at this age, they are more susceptible to outside influence rather than inside, they will follow paths to explore identities that may not be right every time.
- Technology can be a great friend, yet it is the worst enemy. Alfred Noble and Robert Oppenheimer both regretted the invention of technology which was used carelessly later for humanity's destruction.
- Giving Smart Phones though is a very good idea to help your kid have global access to what's new, do check phones and browsing from time to time, it will help a little, but help nonetheless, Better if your kids are too small for the content on the net, Child Lock On Net and Browsing is available and should help keep any unwanted elements outside your kid's life.
- Young girls are very susceptible, the Internet is a dangerous place for a girl, who is not guided at the content appropriation.
- PEDOPHILES are real, they are very near you, they can be uncles, relatives, servants, close neighbors, and strangers your kids interact with on the internet. Keep a close watch on interactions your kids are having, their chats, whats app, telegram...etc
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