“When you said, I will make you cry someday, I didn’t expect myself to come to the cemetery, like this. No not like this, I can’t take it”
Asha cried …. her sobs coming in with repeated interruption…. she cried the death of a soul, a soul which longed for her and would long further still till she joins him in the afterlife.
How did they come to this, the situation, one soul six feet under and one six feet higher...so close yet separated by the time. Time, only time would help them be together, yet it's unfair as one lies in the warmth of earth's womb, while others suffer the perils of earthly life, but life must continue, he would want me to continue, just because, he decided to leave me alone, I will not forsake life, I have yet to complete the mission...the show must go on... such thoughts came and passed Asha's mind as her eyes opened and spilled the pools of tears, which seeing no objection of their mistress, flowed readily down the cheeks in forming small rivulets, which at point seemed would run for eternity without drying up.
There was no breeze, the flowers she brought, lied bundled in thin plastic wrapping, roses, he loved the roses, he somehow seemed eased with the metaphor of them becoming a life philosophy. these roses now occasionally, moving slightly, to show the life, yes life, life is to be lived, but the name on the tombstone shook the belief that she could live without the soul under. Why does one really have to die? a stupid question but still it came to her mind. Drying her cheeks and dabbing the eyes, Asha sat motionlessly, her thoughts at the moments were blank. Sun was now at the apex and shadows just kept to the underside for they too wondered if was the right time to lean in any direction as if the sun himself would accuse them of taking sides. She didn’t realize how long she just sat there like a being passed unto another world with body discarded. Until a security guard came to check up on her.
“Madam, are you ok? Madam, Madam? Are you ok?” only after him calling several times did she realize the scorching sun, startled first, by being caught unaware of the guard, then giving one last wipe on the cheek and one last dab at the eyes, did she slowly got up, making her dress, and turned to leave…
She walked a few definite steps, then realizing something she turned sharply towards the tombstone and said “I will make things right, Albert, I will…” turning sharply again she left with the same definite steps walking out of the cemetery gate, leaving the guard wondering behind...
The guard turned to the grave, picked up the flowers revealing the words under them...
“Here lies a soulmate, a friend, and a beautiful person with a big smile”
and the guard could actually feel the grave smiling at him, as he left with the bundle of flowers.
to be continued...
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