Now it has been three-four days since the latest incident of Syrian regime bombing a town killing more than 400 people, men, women, and children. News of this gravity cannot be just discussed at a brief but had to be analyzed to the core. It has been now almost 7 years since the bloodbath started in the middle east.
What started as Arab spring eventually turned out to be a disturbed middle east, in these seven years we have witnessed the rise and fall of ISIS also known as Daesh. Who are these men? why they want to hold the entire world at the gun point? Well surely and definitely not for the cause of Allah, if that been the crux, the world would have been a better place.
These people are agents of death and destruction, they do not confine to any religion, we find their brothers in every known religion of the world. They belong to both worlds, the developed countries, and the underdeveloped ones. Today we feel sorry for ourselves for we remain helpless in fighting against these agents of death.

Tomorrow our generation will ask us what we have given them in legacy but a cruel, cruel world.
Some activists tell that it is all about the oil, some say it is done to balance a subject called geopolitics. Whatever the reason be, it does not justify the killing and displacing millions of people. Though I am not a theologist, at least I know this much that no religion in the world promotes the killing of innocents. Yes, innocents, their only crime was that they were born in the middle east. Had they born someplace like Malaysia or Singapore they would have led a different life altogether.
There is so much news in the TV today that we have become numb to any atrocities happening around the world. We are not concerned until the devil himself is at our door. Today we are so accustomed to human atrocities that a crime as heinous as murder and rapes are an everyday expectation. No newspaper today is clean, they all are drenched in blood with some sort of atrocities happening around the world and we just give a read and move further for any movie show we might miss.
When I was small, I learned that it is the responsibility of the stronger person to help the gullible and weak. Today when I switch on my Tv or flip a page of newspaper its totally opposite here the stronger is the oppressor.
Where America should have intervened, they have not, today Yemen is facing one of the most severe humanitarian crisis, whatever the reason the civil war may have started with, but it is open secret that the US is the main Arms and technology supplier to the Saudi regime who is the destroying the very fabric of humanity in Yemen’s street.
What is the most valid thing to be done when your neighbour’s house is on fire? Yes, you douse the fire for it will surely come to you if not kept in check. Today this wealth and war-free middle eastern countries who share the same religion, psychography and geography are not only ignoring the fire at the neighbour’s house, but they are making it go more out of control.
Today they are forgetting that it is not Christens or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists that are being killed and displace but they own creed and breed.
It is very difficult to speak for the children who are mercilessly slaughtered in this war where they have no role to play. Today everyone who is reading this blog and including me who is writing this is responsible for our coming generations. For we have created an unstable society where the balance of the haves and have not is tweaked in such a way that I won’t be surprised if tomorrow somebody comes to my home and evicts me out at the point of a gun.
Every individual who is and is not part of this war has to think at least once whether we care or not, just messaging around social media and creating a hype about it will not matter, the question is are we asking our governments to take a call at the UNO? Are we asking our leaders to take initiative for world peace?
Sometimes I feel very fortunate that men like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi spoke and acted for peace. Particularly Nehru who was instrumental is NAM in the times when these power-hungry Europeans and USA brought the world to the brink of third world war.
I do not care whether its Trump or Putin or Assad or Kim Jong Un what I really care is that when are we as a people going to think about our neighbours. Mahatma Gandhi rightly said, “an Eye of an Eye will make world blind”. Today this is what is exactly happening, and this army of blind people is throwing rockets here and therefore they do not see clearly.
Look where these rockets felled, they fell in the American schools where innocent children were shot dead by their own classmate, they fell in Paris, London, New York, Russia, Mumbai, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Yemen, Myanmar, Sudan, Somalia the list is very long.
You name a country and I shall show you one or two rockets thrown by these blind people. Who are these people who are dying or being displaced by these rockets? They are humans, like us, they do have emotions, they cry, they laugh, they do get angry sometimes and all these people who are today living under the shadow of death and uncertainty are asking the world for help.
Don’t patronize them by donating your blood, for they are shedding thrice your production, don’t patronize them with your money donations because their need is such that even your central banks will go bankrupt, remember they have to restore their entire nations. What you can do, the answer is simple next time when you choose a leader of your country see that he is not blind and sees very clearly what is wrong and what is right.
Ultimately, I pray for the souls that are as of now in great pain, due to indifference.
Today the Earth has become GROUND ZERO OF HUMANITY’S DEATH.
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